Lotsa updates. First off, we will be embarking on a short journey to play the Save The Che Benefit in San Diego, CA and playing some shows on the way there and back (details can be found in the upcoming shows section). We will have tapes, posters, patches and shirts with us.
Long overdue samples of our 2012 Demo are now streamable on bandcamp. Mass e-mails containing the full demo will be sent throughout the next few days. Our plan is to make a limited run of demo tapes for our short tour from 01.05 to 01.09. More songs off the demo will be put up for stream after we get back on 01.13 to commemorate our upcoming show with Shoppers and Rank/Xerox.
Everything was recorded as a live set in two takes by Jack Shirley at the atomic garden. We have some plans to discuss in order to have these songs make their way unto a vinyl record.
*T-shirt design by Ryan Fleischer / Logo by Austin Montanari
* Babymombluesky collage by Tyler Trihn / Poster design by Carlos Salas
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